
Pre Semester Discovery Report

Every semester, analytic reports are run for each College to check the subjects that have uploaded Subject Outlines and Introductory Videos ready for students to discover during the week prior to the study period commencing (as stated in the Student Digital Experience Policy).

Business rules

All subjects in Learn一本道are populated with the Learn一本道Subject Template with an About this Subject folder indicating where the subject outline and the introductory video go, along with, a Subject Setup Checklist to guide the setup and naming format.


  • You must name the introductory video item 'Introductory video for [subject name]'
  • You must name the subject outline item 'Subject outline for [subject name]' (take out any dashes)
  • You must add both of these items directly within the 'About this Subject' folder and not within an Ultra Document

Using the indicated naming format enables discoverability and ensures they are included in the Pre-Semester Discovery Report.

Screenshot of the the first two items in the 一本道Subject Template
Screenshot of the first two items in the 一本道Subject Template

What to avoid:

  • Placing the items within a folder within the 'About this Subject' folder
  • Placing the items within an Ultra Doc
  • Using symbols, numbers or incorrect labelling – for example:
    • LA1111_Subject_outline_document
    • Subject_outline1a_
    • Subject Document
    • 2020Intro video
    • Introduction2020video
    • Intro_Video#2020

The Pre-Semester Discovery Report

An example of the Pre Semester Discovery Report
An example of the Pre-Semester Discovery Report

Green circles can indicate:

  • The item has been uploaded; or
  • An item using the same name format exists within the subject site.

Red circles can indicate:

  • The item is not uploaded; or
  • Uploaded items are under other names and include symbols or numbers that will cause them to be ignored in the search; or
  • Items have been located in folders at level 3 and therefore are not discoverable