
Resources and Events

The conference proceedings and presentations from the 2022 UK Diversity Interventions Conference are available to view

Below are recommended readings and viewings to increase knowledge of gender equity issues and actions which you may find useful.  All titles come recommended from members of the GEAR Team.


1.  ?  Social Issues and Policy Review Vol 14. No 1. 2020


1.: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men - by Caroline Criado Perez

2. : Australia's Parenthood Trap - by Annabel Crabb

3. : Real Lives, Real Lessons - by Julia Gillard and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

4. :  Power, Control and Domestic Abuse - by Jess Hill

5. : a practical guide to navigating sexism in Australian universities - by Marcia Devlin


1. - a Bankwest and WGEA:  Gender Equity Insights 2022:  The State of inequality in Australia


1. - a documentary celebrating the bold women of the Women's Liberation Movement who reignited Australia's feminist revolution

2. - chronicles the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientists

3. -  the inspirational campaign to win 'jobs for women'

4. -  The #MeToo movement has shined much-needed light on the pervasiveness of sexual harassment and abuse and created unprecedented demand for gender violence prevention models that actually work. The Bystander Moment tells the story of one of the most prominent and proven of these models - the innovative bystander approach developed by pioneering scholar and activist Jackson Katz and his colleagues at Northeastern University's Center for the Study of Sport in Society in the 1990s.

5. - One hundred years after Australia elected its very first female parliamentarian, Annabel Crabb presents Ms Represented, a raw and honest account of politics from the female perspective.

A number of informative guides and tip sheets are available to support gender equity in day-to-day activities.  These guides are available on the Staff Equity and Diversity website and by clicking below.

Guide for Meetings, Conferences and Workshops

Guide  for Training Development

Find out about a range of flexible working arrangements you can access at 一本道(login required).

The Women in STEM  Ambassador has released a in 2022 to support evaluation of STEM equity initiatives.

  • SAGE have a number of webinars that 一本道staff and students can access through their , to  login to the SAGE website you just need to provide your email address (but never your email password).

Congratulations to Associate Professor Melissa Crowe and Dr Diana Mendez who have achieved international recognition for their work in the Cohort Doctoral Studies Program with First Place for Making Opportunities for Mothers in Academia (MOMA) Changemaker award in the category of University/Institution. The award was bestowed by the International Association of Maternal Action and Scholarship (IAMAS) and presented at the IAMAS conference in Chicago on 12th March 2023. The award recognises the outstanding achievements supporting mother scholars to undertake and complete research degrees.

The Cohort Doctoral Studies Program has supported 30 mothers of school-age children or younger to complete a research degree and is currently supporting a further 32 mothers. The majority of these mother scholars are working part or full time in addition to studying and raising a family. The success of the mother scholars is evidenced in the 135 peer-reviewed publications, $2.7 million grant income and 5 joint mother publications that have been produced by this group.

Melissa and Diana expressed their honour and gratitude at receiving this award. They would like to thank Sarah Jackson, one of their amazing Cohort Program mother scholars, who nominated them for the award and recognise the Roderick Trust who have financially supported the Cohort Doctoral Studies Program since its inception in 2011.

As busy mums working in academia, Melissa (mum of 4 daughters) and Diana (mum of 1 daughter) provide role models to other mothers balancing academia with raising a family. They provide an environment within the Cohort Program that draws upon the strengths of mothers to achieve their research aspirations.