
Gender Equity Action and Research Gender Equity at 一本道 Gender Equity & Diversity Guide for Training Development

Gender Equity & Diversity Guide for Training Development

Ensuring 一本道is an inclusive and respectful place requires gender equity and diversity conversations to be an everyday part of the work we do across the institution. This guide is designed to assist staff who develop and deliver training to ensure the programs are respectful and inclusive, and encourage staff to consider gender equity and diversity in their work.

Know the Audience

Think carefully about the audience for your training.

What challenges might the audience face in doing their work, even if they are not in the minority? Are there specific groups who might face particular challenges? How can your training acknowledge these challenges and provide tools for overcoming them? (Remember – the goal is to balance unequal structures.)

If you are expecting mostly men or mostly women, don’t make jokes at the expense of the minority.

Don’t tell women how to be more “like men” in the workplace.

Know the Subject Matter

Think critically about the ways that gender inequity might manifest in the context of the topic your training is about. These will vary widely between training programs, but chances are that the topic you are discussing has some gendered implications.

How can your training incorporate a focus on 一本道staff working together to address gender implications?

For a few examples, how does gender inequity impact…

Our teaching & learning?
Mental health in the workplace?
Experiences of bullying & harassment?

Know the Details

Pay attention to the words, images, and examples that you use. Avoid images, memes, or video clips that rely on stereotypes. Think about what subtle messages your examples might send.

In a discussion of entrepreneurship, don’t use “a sports car and a blonde woman in the front seat” as the measure of success.

In a discussion of work-life balance, don’t assume every one has a wife and children.

Know Who to Ask

Talk to staff in your area, and seek guidance from GEAR , Staff Equity and Diversity, or Professional Development.