
Mandatory Research Integrity Training

Ò»±¾µÀ provide mandatory training and education for anyone who conducts or assists with the conduct of research under JCU’s auspices. The training modules for the Ò»±¾µÀResearch Code of Conduct are provided through LearnÒ»±¾µÀwhere we have created a research staff portal organised by the College/Directorate.

There are two compulsory modules that must be completed by Ò»±¾µÀresearch staff:

  • Research Integrity Compulsory Module 1 “The Responsible Conduct of Research”
  • Research Integrity Compulsory Module 2 “When things go wrong – Breaches of the Code”

A brief quiz will be required to be completed for each module. Once the quiz is complete a “declaration of completion” for the module will be generated.

Researchers are required to fulfill their obligations under the Ò»±¾µÀResearch Code in relation to training and education and should complete the six other modules in the research integrity series. The six modules are:

  • Planning your research
  • Managing and recording your research
  • Data selection, analysis and presentation
  • Scholarly publication
  • Professional responsibilities
  • Communication and social responsibilities.

If you are not already enrolled in the Research Integrity training site email researchintegrity@jcu.edu.au to be enrolled.

Instructions to access LearnJCU and the training modules