


TRIM/HPRM was chosen as 一本道's (JCU) compliant Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) and is used by majority of Australian Universities.

Originally known as Tower Records Information Management Context (TRIM), it has since been bought and further developed by Hewlett Packard and now called HPRM (Hewlett Packard Records Management).

TRIM version 7.1 was introduced to 一本道in 2009. It was upgraded October 2013 to version 7.2 and as at October 2016, was further upgraded to version 8.3, to align with other IT programs and maintain the functionality that exists.

To support the existing 410 license holders and users of TRIM/HPRM, it was decided to maintain the name, TRIM.

一本道 has an obligation to ensure appropriate Recordkeeping requirements are adhered to in accordance with the following legislation and Standards such as:

  • Archives Act 1983
  • Privacy Act 2009
  • Right to Information Act 2009
  • Electronic Transactions Act 1999
  • Public Records Act 2002
  • IS18 Information Security
  • IS40 Recordkeeping

Under the Public Records Act 2002, the university has an obligation to ensure full and accurate records of all the University's business are created, kept and used in accordance with the ACT.

TRIM/HPRM satisfies all the Acts and Standards 一本道 are obligated to adhere to.

Unfortunately, data stored on shared drives are not safe from:

  • Malware. One of the biggest risks today to any organisation is access and theft of data. Data they retrieve and lock down on shared drives, demanding money for release and return of that stolen data.
  • Accidental deletion
  • duplication
  • loss; and
  • Updates to programs. Ever tried to open a document that is an an older version than one currently used? 'Please choose a program to open your document with'. When it does open, it looks like a page full of Hieroglyphics! Sound familiar??

The functionality and benefits of TRIM 7.2 include:

  • A centralised repository for the creation, maintenance, retention and disposal of University records
  • Increased business efficiency through:
    • simultaneous desktop access to digital information by multiple users at different locations
    • more accurate and faster retrieval of information
    • information about the location of a physical record
    • improved information sharing across work group and system boundaries
    • streamlined system processes across business areas for access to and retrieval of University records
    • more consistent naming or titling of records (recordkeeping standards) for simplified searching, allowing easier access to records
    • ability to open any record stored in TRIM, regardless of the program version. We tell TRIM what file type to read. So you records will always be accessible.
  • Reduce business risk and improve governance through:
    • enhanced ability to locate and retrieve information
    • greater security and access control over sensitive information
    • reduced risk of loss or inappropriate destruction of important corporate and Student information

Yes. The latest version of TRIM/HPRM offers Mac compatibility through a 'web version' of the full desktop client. This version allows Mac users to search and retrieve records with the same simplicity that is provided to PC users.


  1. TRIM has it's own server on campus, which is where all your data in TRIM is safely stored.
  2. The Records team are the administrators of TRIM and it's contents.
  3. Unlike shared drive folders, each folder/file in TRIM has the security set at the folder/file type level, called a Record Type. So, for example, HR have their own secure record type that is locked down to certain positions. When an audit is conducted, the Director or Associate Director in HR will give us a list of  specific records created using their Record Type to give access to, rather than their entire collection.
  4. Each file and Record Type used to create records in TRIM has it's own security settings. These settings are based on your Divisional or College instructions, as  the owners of the content being saved to the Record Types.
  5. The Records team are the custodians of all JCU  records and hence accountable for ensuring these are created, maintained, managed and destroyed within a compliant recordkeeping system. TRIM meet all those obligations.
  6. TRIM has an audit trail of all access and changes made to every item in it, whether it is a document, folder, box, photograph, microfiche etc. The audit provides the persons JC number, date, time (to the minute) and 'trail' of what occurred.
  7. The only people who can delete items in TRIM are the Records team. Even then there are Archival rules and procedures they have to follow to ensure they meet audits.
  8. People wanting access to records they do not have security privileges for, is not automatically given. The Records team do not decide who should have permission either. To access Records outside security settings, please email corporateinformation@jcu.edu.au. We will locate the record/s and let you know who it is you do need to seek permission from. Once the Records Manager receives the authority from the relevant business manager via email, access to the record/s will be given.

TRIM licenses are a 'one off' per seat cost. And as at October 2016, the cost is $350 per license.

Each seat/license purchased in TRIM belongs to the Team and/or Division or College who made the purchase. These licenses sit in TRIM against positions within those teams and/or Divisions and Colleges they belong to. This means licenses can be moved between positions and renamed as required by the area that purchased the licenses.

License moves usually occur when employees go on leave or secondment.

For a current cost per seat/license it is best to contact the records team via email at corporateinformation@jcu.edu.au for a quote.

The Records team provide a 3 hour facilitated training session, giving each participant hands on experience in the training environment.

After training, the Records team are available by email, at corporateinformation@jcu.edu.au and can also remote access in to your PC to assist when required.

There are taskcards below and 1 hour refresh training is also available upon request.

That depends on you and who you allow access to your records.

A Folder or Container (such as a box) is known as a 'Record Type' and a 'Record Type' is where the security settings are applied.

As TRIM is configured using security settings at the folder/Container level. Any document placed within the folder/Container adopts the same security setting as the folder/Container it is saved in to.

There are divisions and teams with their own 'Record Type' because of the nature of the work they undertake and decisions they make. Whilst securing records to those who should have access mitigates risk to JCU, restricting access to small numbers can put 一本道at risk. Particularly if that information could have changed a decision.

Some 'Record Types' specific to individual teams are:

  • Legal Services
  • Human Resource Management
  • Health, Safety and Environment

It is important to consider who outside of your Team/Division/College should automatically have access. Areas such as Legal Services and Internal Audit should be considered. The best way to determine this is by asking yourself the following questions:

  • who outside of our Team/Division/College do we currently share information with?
  • what is the risk to the university if certain areas can see my records in TRIM?
  • Is there any reason we would not allow Legal Services or Internal Audit immediate access to our records in TRIM?
  • Is there anyone outside of our Team/Division/College who should be able to see our Records without having to ask us first?

Please Note. The Records team are the custodians of the University's records. Should you require access to a record you don't automatically have access to, an email granting permission is required to be sent from Senior Management of the Division or College to the Records Manager, before access will be given.

Before TRIM can be installed and used, there are a couple of steps required to ensure your records are:

  • Securely stored in TRIM
  • Accessible to those who require your records stored in TRIM
  • Managed so that your  records can be easily located in TRIM; and
  • Created  and preserved inline with legislation.

The steps are:

  • Assess and list the types of records you have. For example. Staff files, Student files, Finance, Appeals, Complaints etc
  • Assess whether there are any records of a confidential nature. That is, records that should not be seen by everyone who uses TRIM due to the confidential nature of the content, or risk to the University. This will determine whether your area or division require folders/Record Types in TRIM accessible only to a select group
  • Work out how many, if any, restricted folders/Record Types are required; and
  • Naming standard. To ensure records in TRIM can be easily retrieved in the future, set naming standards for your users to ensure consistency.

Please note. The Records Manager is available to assist with any of the steps above and can be contacted at corporateinformation@jcu.edu.au.