
Policy Academic Governance Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Procedure

Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Procedure


This procedure supports the Academic Progression Policy by outlining the actions the University will take to systematically monitor, record and respond to a student’s failure to achieve satisfactory academic performance, not comply with post admission pre-placement requirements, or failure to meet the maximum time to complete the course in accordance with the applicable Course and Subject Handbook.


This procedure applies to all students admitted to undergraduate and postgraduate award coursework offered by 一本道 (JCU) in Australia, Singapore, and via 一本道Online.

This procedure does not apply to students admitted to postgraduate research courses, International Study Abroad inbound, Exchange inbound, cross institutional inbound or non-award Pathways Courses.


Except where otherwise indicated in this procedure, the definitions used in this procedure are found in the Policy Glossary.

Academic Performance Notice: notification sent to students who have been identified as not achieving satisfactory academic performance in a Teaching Period or Trimester.

Academic Status: a status which indicates a coursework student’s academic performance in relation to the satisfactory academic performance requirements considered necessary for satisfactory progress.  Academic statuses are:

  • Satisfactory: the academic status assigned to students who have achieved satisfactory academic performance.
  • Academic Caution: the academic status assigned to students who need to immediately take steps to improve their performance in order to make satisfactory academic progress in future teaching periods and/or trimesters. International students will be required to engage with an intervention plan.
  • Conditional: the academic status assigned to students identified as not maintaining satisfactory academic performance in their course and who will be required to improve their academic performance and meet certain conditions if they wish to continue in their course.
  • Exclusion: is assigned when a student is not permitted to continue their course, nor transfer to a course with the same inherent requirements.
  • Under Review: a temporary academic status which is not based on a calculation of academic performance, and indicates the student is currently undertaking an administrative process such as a Review or Appeal in which the outcome could change the academic status.

Completed Credit Points: the number of credit points a student has enrolled in and received a final result. This includes both passed and failed final results.

Conditions: means the specific requirements which a student who has not achieved satisfactory academic performance must meet if they wish to continue their enrolment in the course.

International Student: means a person who holds a student visa to study onshore in Australia, as defined under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000, or a person who holds a Student Pass or approved exemption from the to study onshore in Singapore.

Listed Subjects and Courses:

  • List 1,2 and 3 subjects: practical or professional based experience subjects with specific academic progression rules as nominated by the Academic Divisions.  The list may be varied from time to time by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Students on the recommendation of the Academic Divisions.
  • List 4 courses: identified courses where specific rules apply in relation to Exclusion. The list may be varied from time to time by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Students on the recommendation of the Academic Divisions.

Maximum Time to Complete: The maximum time permitted for a student to meet the Award requirements as articulated in the Course and Subject Handbook; or in the case of international students, the expected course duration specified on their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).

Non Award Pathway Courses: non-award courses that facilitate pathways to higher learning admission requirements

Satisfactory Academic Performance: to achieve satisfactory academic performance a student must:

  • pass all core subjects; and,
  • maintain a course Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.00 or above; and,
  • pass more than 50% of completed credit points.


1. Academic Statuses

1.1 Classification of academic statuses for all coursework students at all campuses.

Academic Status

Academic Performance Breach Criteria


None. Student is achieving satisfactory academic performance.

Academic Caution

  • Student has failed their first attempt of a core subject not listed in Lists 1, 2 or 3; OR
  • Student has completed fewer than or equal to 9 credit points at 一本道regardless   of course; and their current course GPA is greater than 0.00 and   less than or equal to 2.50; OR
  • Student has completed more than 9 credit points at 一本道regardless of course; and their current course GPA is greater than 3.00 and less than 4.00.


  • Student has failed their first attempt of a subject listed in List 2; OR
  • Student has failed their first attempt of a year level listed in List 3; OR
  • Student has failed their second attempt of a core subject not listed in Lists 1, 2 or 3; OR
  • Student has completed fewer than or equal to 12 credit points at 一本道regardless of course; and

their current Course GPA is 0.00; OR

  • Student has completed more than 9 credit points at 一本道regardless of course; and

their current Course GPA is greater than 0.00 and less than or equal to 2.50; and

they do not meet the criteria for exclusion; OR

  • Student has completed more than 9 credit points at 一本道regardless of course; and

their current course GPA is greater than 2.50 and less than or equal to 3.00.


  • Student has failed their first or subsequent attempt of a subject listed in List 1; OR
  • Student has failed their second or subsequent attempt of a subject listed in List 2; OR
  • Student has failed their second attempt of any year level listed in List 3; OR
  • Student has failed two or more year levels listed in List 3; OR
  • Student has failed their third or subsequent attempt of a core subject not listed in Lists 1, 2 or 3; OR
  • Student has completed more than 12 credit points at 一本道regardless of course; and

their current Course GPA is equal to 0.00; except where * applies; OR

  • Student has completed more than 24 credit points at 一本道regardless of course; and

their current Course GPA is greater than 0.00 and less than or equal to 2.50; and

they have failed greater than or equal to 50% of completed credit points in the Teaching Period and/or Trimester, except where * applies.

*Exception: A student will be assigned an academic status of conditional if they have previously studied at 一本道and where their GPA over all courses is greater than or equal to 3.00 and they have commenced a new course, either by course transfer or admission in the Teaching Period and/or Trimester.

1.2 A student’s current academic status is recorded in JCU’s Student Management System and displayed on the unofficial academic record.

1.3 After results release date for major Study Periods and each Trimester, the academic performance of each student will be assessed according to the criteria outlined in the table at clause 1.1.

1.4 Academic performance will be reviewed after the release of any subsequent results, for example supplementary examinations, where relevant.

1.5 When assessing academic performance, all subject attempts within the last 10 years, will be counted regardless of the course they were taken within. If a subject code and/or title has been changed on administrative grounds, without changing the content, the subject may be deemed to be the same for the purpose of assessing academic performance.

1.6 The total completed credit points of all subjects for all courses (except Non Award Pathway Courses) undertaken by the student at 一本道will be taken into consideration, as outlined in the table at clause 1.1. Completed credit points include those which have a final result, either passed or failed.

2. Managing students who fail to achieve satisfactory academic performance

2.1  Once students are assessed as having failed to achieve satisfactory academic performance, the Academic Administration and Enrolment Team will:

2.1.1 update the student's academic status, as determined by the criteria in clause 1.1, in the Student Management System;

2.1.2 apply any conditions that are relevant as outlined in clause 4.1; and

2.1.3 send an Academic Performance Note to the student.

2.2 The Academic Performance Notice will:

2.2.1 advise the student of the updated academic status and any/all breaches of satisfactory academic performance;

2.2.2 advise conditions, if relevant, placed on the student which they must meet in the following or future teaching periods and/or trimesters in order to continue in the course;

2.2.3 provide detail on the next stages of the progression process if the student continues to fail to achieve satisfactory academic performance;

2.2.4 advise students of the University’s support services and provide web links to academic and learning resources; and

2.2.5 if the student has an academic status of conditional or exclusion, inform the student of the review and appeal processes, including a link to the Student Review and Appeals Policy.

2.2.6  advise of dates for review and appeal submissions. In accordance with the ESOS Act and National Code, international students have 20 University working days from the date of the Academic Performance Notice to engage with the review and appeal processes.

2.3 The Academic Performance Notice will be emailed to the student’s 一本道email address and personal email address, if supplied, and a copy stored on the student record.

2.4 After referring to the Academic Progression Policy and Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Procedure, if a student considers an error has occurred in the calculation of their academic status they may request a clarification using the following process.

2.4.1 The student must email enrolments@jcu.edu.au within 5 University working days of receiving their Academic Performance Notice, with the exception of International students refer to clause 2.2.6 above..

2.4.2 In this email the student must specify the error on which the request for clarification is based.

2.4.3 Academic Administration and Enrolments will clarify the academic status and advise the student within 5 University working days of receipt of the request.

2.4.4 The request for ‘Progression clarification’ will be considered Stage 1 - Feedback, under the Academic and Statutory Decisions Review and Appeal Procedure.

2.5 Academic Administration and Enrolments will advise the relevant University support areas of the names of students who have not achieved satisfactory academic performance.

3. Access to Commonwealth Support

3.1 Separate to any outcomes of this procedure, if a student’s academic performance is unsatisfactory in accordance with Section 36-13 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 the student will no longer be eligible for a Commonwealth Supported place in the same course at the University.

3.2 Commonwealth Support can be reinstated if the student later meets the criteria as outlined in the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

4. Conditions

4.1 Students assessed as conditional academic status may have one or more of the following conditions applied to their student record in JCU’s Student Management System:

4.1.1 Must pass next attempt of specified subjects or you will be excluded from your course.

4.1.2 Must pass greater than 50% of completed credit points studied in each enrolled teaching period or trimester to improve your course GPA sufficiently to avoid course exclusion.

4.1.3 Must pass first attempt of all future year levels listed in List 3 or you will be excluded from your course.

4.1.4 Must comply with an intervention plan when requested to do so. The intervention plan will be administered by the areas identified in clause 4.2 and may include but not limited to recommendations such as:

  • participate in academic skills programs
  • participate in an additional tutorial or study groups
  • reduce study load
  • attend academic counselling
  • seek assistance with personal issues which are impacting progress.

4.2 Responsible area for enacting an intervention plan:

Student Cohort

Responsible Unit

International student visa holders studying at a campus other than Singapore or Brisbane

Academic Administration and Enrolment

Students studying through the Singapore campus

Singapore Student Services

Students studying through the Brisbane campus

Brisbane Student Services

Domestic Pathway students

Domestic Pathways

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students

Indigenous Education and Research Centre

All other students not listed above

Academic and Administration Enrolment Team (in consultation with the Colleges)

4.3 All conditions will remain current until they are met.

4.4 Adherence to conditions will be recorded and/or identified through the Student Management System.

4.5 Students who have failed 75% or more of their subjects in the teaching period or trimester will also have a restricted enrolment sanction applied to their record in the Student Management System. Future enrolments will not be approved until an intervention plan is evidenced.

5. Exclusion

5.1 Students who meet the criteria in the table at clause 1.1 for exclusion will not be permitted to continue that course, nor transfer to a course with the same inherent requirements, unless the provisions under clause 5.2 or 8 apply.

5.2 A student who lodges an application for review, appeal, or any administrative process which could potentially change their academic status, will remain enrolled in their subjects and be assigned a temporary academic status of Under Review until the review or appeal has been determined.

6. Reviews and Appeals

6.1 Students who receive notification of conditions or notification of exclusion from a course have the right to request a review or appeal in accordance with the Student Review and Appeals Policy and the Review and Academic and Statutory Decisions Review and Appeal Procedure.

6.2 At any time during this process, the University may take action against the student under the Student Code of Conduct Policy on the basis that such action is prudent or necessary having regard to the University’s duty of care to its students, staff and/or placement agencies.

7. Students who do not submit an appeal

7.1 A student who is assigned an academic status of exclusion for a course and does not submit an appeal by the due date will be:

7.1.1 withdrawn from all current and future enrolled subjects; and

7.1.2 withdrawn from their course.

8. Return to study in an excluded course

8.1 A student wishing to continue a course from which they have previously been given academic exclusion may apply to return to study in accordance with the Coursework Enrolment Procedure if:

8.1.1 a period of two (2) years has elapsed from the date of the academic exclusion, and

8.1.2 the course is not listed in List 4.

9. Additional requirements for international student visa holders studying in Australia

9.1 A student who is failing to achieve satisfactory academic performance, and therefore at risk of not completing their course requirements within their expected course duration, must comply with an intervention plan.

9.2 Where a student’s expected completion date is affected by failure to achieve satisfactory academic performance and where the student is eligible for an extension to their Confirmation of Enrolment, the Academic Administration and Enrolment team, shall report to the relevant government departments in accordance with the ESOS Act and National Code.

9.3 Records of unsatisfactory academic performance are to be kept on the international student’s file in the University’s official Record Management System.

Related policy instruments

Academic Progression Policy

Maximum Time to Complete Procedure

Professional Experience Placement Requirements Procedure

Student Review and Appeals Policy

Academic and Statutory Decisions Review and Appeal Procedure

Academic and Student Sub-delegations Register


Listed subjects and courses attached to the Academic Progression Policy


NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy Domain

Academic Governance

Policy Sub-domainStudent Experience

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



24-1NA21/05/2024Administrative amendment to correct error in clause 5.1, which referenced clause 5.3 as an exception – this became clause 5.2 following last review.Policy Officer

Minor amendments:

  • Removal of the status Probationary.
  • Amendments where a transfer of responsibilities has occurred
  • Removal of specific international student review and appeal information. This has now been added to the Academic and Statutory Decisions Review and Appeal Procedure
Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment




Amended to clarify interventions available to students who do not achieve satisfactory academic performance and areas responsible for delivering the interventions.

Deputy Director, Student Services




Amendment to remove Suspended Academic Status, add provision to return to an excluded course, define Temporary Academic Statuses of Under Review and Probationary and add information in consideration of Job Ready Graduate Package (JRG).

Deputy Director, Student Services




Delegation to approve appendices 1 – 4 moved from Academic Board to DVC Students, as approved by Council (3/20) in line with the new approach to delegations.

Quality, Standards and Policy Officer




Amendment to remove enabling courses from the GPA rule, not include core subjects fails older than 10 Years and allow for 一本道College Foundation program coming online in 2020

Deputy Director, Student Services




Amendment to criteria for exclusion and to align more closely with appeal processes.

Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolments




Procedure established to support the major amendments to the Academic Progression Policy.  Replaces the Academic Progression Procedure.

Manager, Student Finance and Examinations

Key words

Progress, progression, unsatisfactory progress, academic caution, academic status, conditional, probationary, suspension, exclusion

Contact person

Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment