
Policy Academic Governance Appendix 1 Misconduct penalty level description

Appendix 1 Misconduct penalty level description

Applies to on-campus and off-campus activities such as learning, research, workplace or clinical placements, fieldwork or other practicum and the online environment, whether in class or out-of-hours and in any social activity that may impact on the University.


Level 1 Minor

Level 2 Moderate

Level 3 Serious

Na茂ve, inexperience, inadvertent, unaware, not deliberate, poor judgement, extenuating circumstances, first offence, careless, casual or early in academic training. The student is apologetic and the evidence is speculative.

This offence brings limited or no advantage to the student or is not of a significant nature

Deliberate but not significant, early stages of academic training, small- volume, second offence, may have cultural or language challenges. Despite the deliberate nature and compelling evidence student is remorseful.

This offence would advantage student and constitutes a breach of either academic integrity or the Code of Conduct.

Wilful, serious breach of integrity, systematic misconduct, multiple offences, later in an academic course, undertaking postgraduate studies or HDR. Irrefutable evidence.

This offence constitutes a significant breach of academic integrity, the Code of Conduct or other University Policy and could pose reputational or legal risk factors to the University. Behaviour may be criminal.